
Raven Writing Desk


The Mahabharata Family Tree

I took a photo of this page from the Mahabharate. Then extracted the text using my iphone and pasted into ChatGPT. Then asked it to create a family tree. I am not too unhappy with the results I must say.

Mahabharata PageThe Mahabharata Family Tree

The actual text is as given below

Hence his name was Bharata. Bharata married Sarvasena's daughter Sunanda, from the Kashi region. She gave birth to Bhumanyu. Bhumanyu married Dasarha's daughter Vijaya and she gave birth to Suhotra. Suhotra married Suvarna of the Ikshvak lineage and she gave birth to Hasti. He established this city of Hastinapura, which is why it was named Hastinapura. Hasti married Yashodhara from the Trigarta region and she gave birth to Vikunthana. Vikunthana married Sudeva from the Dasarha region and she gave birth to Ajamidha. Ajamidha had 2400 sons through Kaikeyi, Nagi, Gandhari, Vimala and Riksha. Each became a king and established a dynasty. Among them, Samvarana was the one who carried the lineage forward. Samvarana married Tapati, Vivasvat's daughter, and she gave birth to Kuru. Kuru married Subhagi from the Dasarha region and she gave birth to Viduratha.Viduratha married Sanpriya, daughter of Madhava and she gave birth to Arugvata. Arugvata married Amrita from the Magadha region and she gave birth to Parikshit. Parikshit married Bahuda's daughter Suyasa and she gave birth to Bhimasena. Bhimasena married Sukumari of the Kekaya region and she gave birth to Paryashrava, also known as Pratipa. Pratipa married Shibi's daughter Sunanda and through her had sons named Devapi, Shantanu and Bahlika. Devapi retired to the forest when he was still a child. Shantanu then became the king. There is a saying about this. "Those who were touched with his hands felt extreme pleasure and became young again. Therefore, he was known as Shantanu.

Prompts shared here.